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Sign and vegetation infront of the Athletics complex... edited considerably... to remove the grafitti from the sign :(


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Palm trees in the breezeway between the College of Public Health and College of Pharmacy buildings... the greenish colored bridge like attachment between the buildings is two floors of conference rooms.


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Cat statue on the east end of the mall in front of the Athletics complex. Processed with a sepia-ish tone.


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USS Arizona anchor/fountain at the Memorial Student Union. Processed using touches of vibrant color to bring out the rust color.


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Flowers in the Student Union flower bed... processed with essence of purple and green over black and white.


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Continuing Medical Education building near the Highland Garage... in dire need of repairs. :(    (budget cuts!!)


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Visiting the bookstore. Flags of all the nations which have, or have had, student representation at the university are displayed.


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Over at the College of Medicine/Hospital area of campus... brightly colored flowers outside the Nursing building.


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Flower bed on the east side of the main library with the east end of the mall in the background...


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Bear Down Gym... another ancient building on campus. This is the place where the graduation ceremonies begin... students line up in here then march to McKale center with their respective colleges. Usually tons of red and blue confetti litter the floors and perimeter... but this is also where the tortilla patrol is - patting down students to make sure they don't throw tortillas at the ceremony!


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Front steps to the Administration Building, song lyrics from "All hail, Arizona" (not our fight song). Processed to a peach tea tinted black and white.


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Old Main... the oldest building on campus, built in the late 1800s. Processed to vintage color.


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As a subfeature to Project 365, I will be doing 28 Days at the U of A. Since I spend a great deal of my life there, I thought it would be appropriate. This will go thru remainder of the month of June and wrap up just prior to July 4th! To start, here is a flower bed located on the east side of the main library shot early mid morning.


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Two final shots of the White Dove procesed in natural color and simple black and white. Love the tones and shadows.


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Three more shots of the White Dove... processed in natural color. The bottom photo really shows the newly refurbished bell tower on the left and the "in progress" "beaten up" one on the right.


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Another shot of the White Dove area... looking thru the arch entry to the small hill to the East of the church... processed with a grainy texture.


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A day spent South of Tucson at the White Dove of the Desert aka: San Xavier del Bac. Processed four different ways... straight from the camera, washed out vintage, and two types of black and white.